HEY! ok so i am typing this lovely blog post in the lobby of my abs. gorgeous resport in Dominican! I really should be doing my homework but whatever. So my dad is letting me purchase internet access everyday since I cannot live without it. So during my plane ride I read through a lot of magazines so I have some cool blogging ideas coming up since I wont be putting up videos till like next tuesday. I will try to film here since my vanity here is amazing and the lighting is great. I also wanna do like an SPF makeup blog since I have tons of SPF makeup with me. OH and if you missed my newest video here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aU44oeim1vA&feature=channel_video_title
Anyway. I am pretty sure that my week will be really relaxed you know just lounging around the pool and beach. I desperatly need a tan so I will be working on that. I dont even know how I will be able to do any of my school work here but I can always try. I will be sure to blog alot. I'll try to do it every other day and I will be tweeting as well. Let me know how your week is gonna be like! I love reading your comments.
Valerie <3
Oeh, can you do like a hotelroom tour or something? Or a bathroom/vanity tour? Something like that?:D